Sleepover in the Park!

FoWP sleepover poster

The Junction is being gentrified at an accelerated pace. As developers take over, the poor are driven out and affordable rental housing is destroyed. The poor are stigmatized and at risk, ill at ease in their own neighbourhood. FoWP seeks to work with organizations  who are committed to empowering low-income communities.

Climate change is a global threat and talk is not enough. We are reaching the tipping point and FoWP (alongside other organizations) will educate and empower people in protest. The Friends of Watkinson Park have been committed to the preservation of green space and a place to go for low-income people. We support radical transformation in favour of a sustainable future. Respect the environment!

Friends of Watkinson Park recognize that we are on Indigenous land. As a group we work alongside Indigenous people and other organizations towards recognizing the Indigenous history of the Junction.

Friends of Watkinson Park are continuing this work – the sleepover is just the beginning!


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